risk assessment process

Determine A Realistic Home Security Budget

HOME SECURITY ASSESSMENT – RISK BASED Do not base your home and family security on adverts, costs and hardware promises! The process is to establish a risk profile, then determine the operational objectives of your system, and then to use those objectives to select equipment and hardware that can deliver. STEP 1 The simplest, yet […]

Determine A Realistic Home Security Budget Read More »

picture of a restuarant cordoned with police tape

Will CCTV help your Restaurant Business?

If you are a restaurant owner, you may want to consider investing in a CCTV system. While the initial investment may be costly, the long-term benefits of having a CCTV system can be extremely profitable. A properly designed and installed CCTV system can help to improve customer satisfaction, increase employee productivity, and reduce shrinkage. In addition, a CCTV system can act as a powerful marketing tool, providing customers with a sense of security and peace of mind.

Will CCTV help your Restaurant Business? Read More »

picture of distorted cctv image

Is it time to upgrade your business cctv system?

There are a few reasons why you might want to encourage your business to upgrade their old CCTV system. One reason might be that the quality of the footage captured by newer CCTV cameras is significantly better than that of older models. This means that businesses can get a clearer picture of what is happening on their premises, making it easier to identify and prosecute criminals.

Is it time to upgrade your business cctv system? Read More »

Picture of an Armed Robber

Why I am Changing my Mind about IP Cameras

Recently, one advantage of IP camera systems has emerged. This advantage is responsible for forcing me to consider IP camera systems more frequently than before.

No, the concerns about life safety and mission critical applications does not go away. We may just need to spend a lot more money, time and effort on getting the infrastructure as optimal as possible, and in some cases deploy a hybrid – IP /HD Analog System.

How Artificial Intelligence is driving the IP Camera trend.

The major advantage which is causing this refocus – is that an IP camera is literally a mini computer or server. IP Cameras have CPU capability on-board. They are now outpacing HD Analog systems in the area of compute power.

Why I am Changing my Mind about IP Cameras Read More »

picture of dark cctv image

Management blamed the CCTV system when they couldn’t get the footage?

All of these problems are due to design and management failures.Lack of Maintenance and Auditing You cannot just install a cctv system and forget about it. Your cctv system shoud be accompanied by a detailed audit, service and maintainence plan. The plan should include auditing of camera function and views, and a procedure for rapid reporting and repair.Most companies just assume that the system is functioning.

Management blamed the CCTV system when they couldn’t get the footage? Read More »

Ranger 2

Considering a wireless home security camera?

Smart Wireless cameras are now able to integrate with whole home smart solutions. Recognize you and unlock doors automatically, operate lights, let you know when the baby is disturbed or uncomfortable, or when the cat has knocked over your vase.

Smart solutions with control hubs, and single board controllers can be made to do many wild and cool things.

These cameras provide Security, convenience and comfort when they are well integrated with the smart home, within a secure network, and within range of a strong wi-fi signal.

Considering a wireless home security camera? Read More »

Yes it’s true – 90% of CCTV systems did not achieve their objective.

If you are going to buy a generic kit of cheap cameras and recorder and stick them up about your house – the unfortunate truth is that you are throwing away 90% of whatever you spend on that. It most likely won’t prevent a burglarly, or home invasion – it won’t summon rapid assistance, and will not help you prosecute at all.

Yes it’s true – 90% of CCTV systems did not achieve their objective. Read More »

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