Hikvision CCTV

  • 1.CCTV
    All CCTv systems
  • What is CCTV?
    Gensix Technical29-07-2021

    CCTV stands for closed-circuit television and is commonly known as video surveillance. “Closed-circuit” means broadcasts are usually transmitted to a limited (closed) number of monitors, unlike “regular” TV, which is broadcast to the public at large. CCTV networks are commonly used to detect and deter criminal activities, and record traffic infractions, but they have other uses.

    CCTV technology was first developed in 1942 by German scientists to monitor the launch of V2 rockets. It was later used by American scientists during the testing of the atomic bomb.

  • 2.Hikvision CCTV
    gensix hikvision cctv faq
  • How do I reset the password on a Hikvision IP Camera
    Gensix Technical29-07-2021

    Picture of Hikvision IP password reset 1

  • How do I disable Illegal Login Lock on Hikvision NVR
    Gensix Technical29-07-2021

    When adding Hikvision IP cameras to NVR, go to “Security service” ensuring you cancel/disable “Enable illegal login lock”.

  • What format password is required for Hikvision Devices?
    Gensix Technical29-07-2021

    After Hikvision upgrading security algorithm, Hikvision IP cameras requires users to setup a strong password that at least 8 length containing digits and alphabets.

  • How do I activate and Add a Hikvision IP Camera to A Hikvision NVR
    Gensix Technical29-07-2021

    The IP Camera and NVR Must be in the same subnet.

    step 1 add hivision camera

    hikvision ip camera interface

    Click the inactive icon on the interface next to the added camera

    Click the inactive icon on the interface next to the added camera

    If you click use admin password, this will set the camera to use the NVR password.

    Click the inactive icon on the interface next to the added camera

    Once the cameras password is the same as the NVR - click add button or one-touch add button

    Once the cameras password is the same as the NVR - click add button or one-touch add button

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